
Showing posts from September, 2023

Doctor Who: Marco Polo

  This story is the first missing story in my marathon, all 7 parts of Marco Polo are missing which is an extreme shame. Like I said in my last review Marco Polo used a lot of money, from the costumes to the sets. The timeline code is s1.4 and the story aired 22nd February 1964 - 4th April 1964. Before I get into this review, the story has sone characters using yellow face it is wrong then and is wrong now, I’m not gonna act like it didn’t happen but I am not going to let it effect so story, as it’s a product of it’s time. We start with roof of the world, The Tardis team rush out to see what Susan and Barbara have found, it appears that they have found a large footprint in the snow at the top of a mountain. This story starts off very well you truly feel they are all one United team now which is amazing. Anyway after the events of The Edge of Destruction the Tardis had ran into a technical difficulty, meaning they can’t get any food or water or fly the ship away. Which is quite terr...

Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction

  On to The Edge of Destruction the first bottle episode of Doctor who on tv and timeline code s1.3. This story is very interesting behind the scenes, with it being only made because Marco Polo ate up the budget. Anyway into part one The Edge of Destruction. The episode starting where we left off, the Tardis seeming to crash and everyone being knocked out. Slowly the crew start to wake up and instantly the vibe is all off, everyone’s memories are fuzzy and OMG the music. This early hum being used though out the beginning. Soon Susan wakes up and goes to get a bandage for the Doctor who’s cut his head, Barbara being the one we follow for most of this story is then startled by Ian. William Russell plays Ian wonderfully here very unnerving. We get a moment where the Doctor rambles while he’s asleep about leaving with Susan. I love how through out this timeline marathon, this episode kind of gives me vindication as it references quite a bit of S0a n S0b. Anyway Susan comes back with th...

Doctor Who: The Daleks

  Here we are The Daleks time like code s1.2, it broadcast from 21st of December too the 1st of February. The story has 7 parts a much bigger story then the last We start with the dead planet again setting up an amazing atmosphere with just our regular 4 though out the 1st part. We are reminded of the radiation gage from the last cliffhanger. It seems to be a forest planet, but the plants seem petrified, everything having a molecular change. I love how Ian and Barbara are so human, they take the travelling in their stride but have amazing 1 to 1 moments about it. Barbara sees an animal from the planet but Ian points out it’s turned to stone, but the Doctor points out how this creature isn’t stone it’s metal. Susan has an amazing moment with Barbara talking about the Tardis and her grandfather with her, I really like the gradual drops of development the group have, the writers know how to split the group up. The 4 reach a clearing and spot a city, the Doctor wanting to go and advent...

Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child

Well here i am, the first TV story of Doctor Who. An Unearthly Child timeline code S1.1.This story was broadcast on 23rd & 30th of November and 7th & 14th of December. the general consensus around this story is the first part is amazing the last 3 parts are fine i wonder if my thoughts will match Episode one starts the atmosphere is on point from how we follow a policeman to the Tardis. We then cut to Ian and Barbara last scene in an unearthly woman who are now taking an interest in Susan, they offer her a lift home but Susan declines. Carol Ann Ford really plays up Susan’s weirdness. Ian and Barbara decide to follow her home, they are played wonderfully in this from their curiosity to their fish out of waterness of the pair. They talk about Susan in the car and you really see why they have an interest in her, Susan tripping up and giving away her knowledge in class. The two see Susan and follow her into the junkyard meeting the Doctor, William Hartnell plays the Doctor so well...

Doctor Who: DWM Breif Encounters: Echoes of Future Past

My first DWM Brief Encounters Echoes of Future Past timeline code s0B.9 The story starts as the Doctor looks over his past adventures with Susan talking about how there bond has changed and developed since the start. Walking to get her from school however, the Doctor is stopped by a familiar yet unfamiliar face, the 7th Doctor. Confused the 1st Doctor just stares as 7th leaves the hand of Omega by the 1st Doctors feet saying "You know what to do." and going in his Tardis and flying away. This is such a small story its really hard to review and break it down. 1st is written extremely well and 7th creating an ontological paradox is interesting, with the hard of omega later to be used in Remembrance of the Daleks. Its interesting but its not really an important story due to other stories giving different reasons for the hand of omega. My Ranking: 7/10 Well season 0b is over meaning the pre tv stories are all complete meaning... Next Time: An Unearthly Child

Doctor Who: E-short: The Horror of Coal Hill

The Horror of Coal Hill timeline code  S0B.8 *spoilers* The Doctor comes to look for Susan at coal hill as a thick fog forms around London.    A teacher named Shivani says Susan left. he tells her that she need to leave London, then loads of people start screaming and trying to run in to Coal Hill. At this point i was hooked  anyway,  the Doctor locks all the doors. Shivani being astonished at the Doctors lack of compassion. P rofessor Gibson soon joins them, his face turning white seeing a large wolf in the fog but there can’t just be one wolfs hunt in packs. Ok so far honestly I am amazed at how good this story is so far astonishing first few pages. In part 2 It cuts to the 3rd Doctor with Sarah Jane reacting to the story he is telling her. The wolf seems to be interested more in Shavani.  They all go to the lab realising the fog and the wolves are connected. Gibson try’s to leave but the Doctor stops him. they look into the name coal hill the Doctor is c...

Doctor Who: Destiny of The Doctor: Hunters of Earth

Hunters of Earth was released in January 2013 and timeline code is #0B.7 *spoilers* The range Destiny of The Doctor is very much a longer Companion Chronicle story. The episode starts amazingly, the atmosphere is on point one night the Doctor gets followed home. Mr Rook one of the teachers of Coal Hill School, Susan recognising him as he walks away. Cut to the next day at school I feel the story perfectly describes the way Susan acts at school to how I envisioned in the books. She bumps into Mr Rook at school, taking extreme interest in her setting up this big over looming character watching her though out the next scene. A school boy Cedric walks up to Susan and invites her to Rosa's with a group of friends, one being Mavis. I love the dynamic of Susan and her for just these two scenes. Rosa the owner of the cafe comes over and talks bout what its like being an alien, alien meaning not from England in this context. Mavis changes the music to something more modern, the music turnin...

Doctor Who: Short Trips: Deafening Patterns: Loosing The Audience

Loosing The Audience timeline code #0B.6 *spoilers* We start in 1955 Max a Radio show host is following a women alone home not to do anything bad but to make sure she gets home safe as his audience are being killed. He looses her however and she is later found dead. The Doctor tries to fix the Tardis with Susan trying to leave totters lane for a while and they fly it ending up in London 1955 not there goal at all. Meeting Max Wheeler who then goes on to tell the doctor about his worries about the audience going missing presumed murdered. Susan is very well written very much like a weird teenager trying to get used to 1960s Britian. The Doctor starts to connect local deaths and the audience being missing as the same and wondering if the hum in the BBC studio might be linked. deciding to stay and help Susan and 1st decide to watch the show and keep an eye on the audience from there. Max also tells the Doctor about the Shakers, an alien race some people made a deal with during WW2 to win ...

Doctor Who: Doctor Who Magazine: Operation Proteus

Operation Proteus timeline code #0B.5 *spoilers* The story starts with Susan at a local Beat nick club the Soho Milk, she sees a man looking unwell and asks if he needs help. he turns and starts to transform into an alien, everyone's panicked and screaming. Susan however comforts the creature its dying words being stop the project the cross the deep, then he died. Amazing start to a story an instant hook. Susan meets up with the Doctor after the incident explaining what happened, debating to them selves if they should get involved. I love how we still have moments of the doctor being hesitant to get involved.  The illustrations for this magazine comic are amazing honestly, one of the best parts of this you can really tell who everyone is and the alien designs are very cool. Elsewhere we see some people worried about the man who changed into an alien, Clive trying to speak to the Minister. We see that the minister is indisposed at the moment, we cut back to the Doctor and Susan ente...

Doctor who: Repercussions: Jurors Story

  Jurors story time line code #0B.4 *spoilers* I really struggle with court room dramas and this court room drama is a huge struggle, especially in a short story form. I couldn't tell you any of the characters names apart from the Doctors but even then i couldn't tell you which doctor was which. I had to look up who Dr. Smith was and they where the 5th Doctor didn't read like that at all.  All the other Doctors give there bits to defend one and persuade the other jury members slowly gaining in numbers of course, all the Doctors end up voting not guilty of course. The story ends with Dr Bowmen and Harris talking and saying the problem with time travel is time lines get so over written.  i found the story extremely dull, its just not for me unfortunately I really just couldn't find the groove with this then it was gone. My Ranking: 2/10 Next Time:  Operation Proteus

Doctor Who: The Diary of River Song: An Unearthly Woman

An Unearthly Woman written by Matt Fitton was released in August 2019. Timeline code  S0B.3 *spoilers* The story starts with a woman, P.C. Pond being assigned to totters lane. The woman makes the original policeman assigned to the area loose his memory with some memory erase perfume. This police woman also seems to be a new substitute teacher Ms Song, Susan is sceptical of the new teacher. Ms Song also meets Ian Chesterton the science teacher who invites her to a drink at the Red Lion. We learn this woman's first name is river, river song. At the Red Lion she meets some more teachers, one being Barbara Wright, the history teacher. She expresses an interest in a student, a relatively new girl to coal hill. River joins in the convocation this pupil is a a girl named Sheila. A very good misdirect making us think shes talking about Susan, however she is one of Susans friends. With Lloyd and Sheila hanging out with Susan at the local park, Sheila splitting off and the other 2 walking al...

Doctor Who: Telos Novella: Time and Relative

Time and Relative timeline code #0B.2 *spoilers* love this story its all from the perspective of Susan, when I say Susan wrote throughout this review i truely mean the writer Kim Newman. I love how Susan holds herself as being above people of 1963 but not pushing them down. At the start she comments on how failed the school system is and how horrible her teacher is, accidentally mocking her form teacher Mr Grange in front of him. Mr Grange uses Susan as a lightning bolt for his feelings about how the children mocked him for years with the name ghastly. Its nice to see her having a friend group too being Gillian and John, Susan will go on these random tangents in her diary about people and i love them. The fact its extremely cold in march and been like this for a while is interesting, John even saying these random theories about it. the friendship between the 3 is very cute and feels very genuine. When PE is cancelled I feel there friend ship shines. After class when Susan goes to the T...