Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child

Well here i am, the first TV story of Doctor Who. An Unearthly Child timeline code S1.1.This story was broadcast on 23rd & 30th of November and 7th & 14th of December. the general consensus around this story is the first part is amazing the last 3 parts are fine i wonder if my thoughts will match

Episode one starts the atmosphere is on point from how we follow a policeman to the Tardis. We then cut to Ian and Barbara last scene in an unearthly woman who are now taking an interest in Susan, they offer her a lift home but Susan declines. Carol Ann Ford really plays up Susan’s weirdness. Ian and Barbara decide to follow her home, they are played wonderfully in this from their curiosity to their fish out of waterness of the pair. They talk about Susan in the car and you really see why they have an interest in her, Susan tripping up and giving away her knowledge in class. The two see Susan and follow her into the junkyard meeting the Doctor, William Hartnell plays the Doctor so well honestly one of the best parts of the story you never know if he’s the hero. The three have amazing chemistry, as Ian and Barbara are about to leave they hear Susan in the Tardis. They barge their way in and the Tardis set is perfect and Ian and Barbara’s reactions to it are amazing. They learn the Tardis can move anywhere in time and space obviously not believing them. Susan tries to convince the Doctor to let the pair go but she’s unsuccessful the Doctor pilots the Tardis kidnapping the two teachers. The Tardis takes the group of four to an unknown location as a shadow approaches the Tardis.

Overall part 1 of An Unearthly Child is perfect in my opinion, you really understand why the show took off anyway onto part two the cave of skulls

Cave of skulls reveals the Tardis team have landed in the Stone Age, the shadow being a caveman called Kal, we cut to the tribe as Za is trying to make fire to become leader. The two teachers wake up after a bumpy landing Ian still not convinced until the doors open. I love how well the 4 of them interact then they exit the Tardis and extremely well acted part. We also notice for the first time the chameleon circuit has not changed the Tardises appearance. Soon after the Doctor is kidnapped my Kal taken back to the tribe to make fire. We get a bit of caveman politics the Doctor saying he can make fire, as Susan Ian and Barbara arrive to save the Doctor, they are overpowered though and sent to the cave of skulls. The part ending with Ian noticing the skulls all have a split in the top of them.

Over all this part really strengthens the team, I really am enjoying the story so far but definitely comparing part 1 too part 2 there’s definitely a shift like there two different stories 

Part 3 forest of fear is definitely the weakest of the 4 parts, it mainly focuses on the caveman politics and escaping the cave of skulls. Barbara and the Doctor have an amazing moment though, about how fear makes companions of all of them the best moment so far. An old woman helps the team escape but the old woman is killed by Kal for doing this. The 4 escape into the forest trying to remember their way back to the Tardis. Za and Hur following them but they are attacked by a Tiger. Barbara goes to help them the Doctor trying to stop the 3 of them from helping, even thinking of bashing Za’s head in Ian stopping him some humanity rubbing off on him. The 4 help heal Za and make there way back to the Tardis, but they are caught by Kal and brung back to the cave.

Overall forest of fear is alright, it’s the weakest part but it has the best scenes if that makes sense And a really good cliffhanger. 

Part 4 Firemaker is the final part of this story. Kal tries to accuse Za of killing the old woman, the Doctor helps rial the people up and expose Kal for being the true killer and Ian helps by getting the crowd to throw stones. I love how slowly the Doctor is being given these small moments with Ian and Barbara, it’s not huge but it’s little drops of development. The team are put back into the cave and Za asks Hur what the Tardis team did to help. I do like how Za is trying to understand the group, but as a primitive person not really understanding. We go back to the cave Susan Ian and Barbara all trying to make fire together as Za enters, they say the firemaker is the least important job in their tribe. Managing to set a spark of fire as Kal comes back, Za and Kal have a fight to the death as the fire lights the cave an amazingly shot scene some really creative moments. Za killing Kal in the fight and taking the fire making it clear to the tribe he was leader. To get away the Tardis team make spikes of fire with skulls on top to scare The cavemen as they escape. The cavemen run after them but it’s too late. The team make it back to the Tardis and escape. The Doctor trying to get the two teachers back to 1963, landing on a new planet Susan checks the radiation meter and it appears normal but as she walks away the dial goes to danger.

That’s the end of an unearthly child and honestly, I understand why people don’t like the last 3 parts of the story. However I enjoyed them a lot I feel even though it feels like 2 different stories.

My Ranking: 8/10

Next Time: The Daleks


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