Doctor Who: E-short: The Horror of Coal Hill

The Horror of Coal Hill timeline code S0B.8


The Doctor comes to look for Susan at coal hill as a thick fog forms around London.  A teacher named Shivani says Susan left. he tells her that she need to leave London, then loads of people start screaming and trying to run in to Coal Hill. At this point i was hooked anyway, the Doctor locks all the doors. Shivani being astonished at the Doctors lack of compassion. Professor Gibson soon joins them, his face turning white seeing a large wolf in the fog but there can’t just be one wolfs hunt in packs. Ok so far honestly I am amazed at how good this story is so far astonishing first few pages.

In part 2 It cuts to the 3rd Doctor with Sarah Jane reacting to the story he is telling her. The wolf seems to be interested more in Shavani. They all go to the lab realising the fog and the wolves are connected. Gibson try’s to leave but the Doctor stops him. they look into the name coal hill the Doctor is convinced the name is linked to a war between these alien wolves but Gibson and Shavani slowly start to transform into wolves. Really good part 2 great exacution expecially with how part 2 ends and part 3 begins.

In part 3 it cuts back to Sarah Jane and the 11th Doctor, Sarah on the edge on her seat of the Doctor story. 11th tells Sarah more, the Doctor stops Shavani turning into a wolf but Gibson had opened the door. They run from the wolves, Shivani having a good heart to heart with the Doctor, who ended up making a potion in part 2 to fuse with the fog and transport the wolves elsewhere. The book ends with the 12th Doctor visiting coal hill one more time seeing Shivani and telling her what happened after he left.

Over all an amazing short story the it’s nice to have all the references to the future doctors and it has some really good opening material the only issue i have is i was a tad confused why the future doctors needed to be involved.

My ranking: 8/10

Next Time: Echoes of Future Past


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