Doctor Who: DWM Breif Encounters: Echoes of Future Past

My first DWM Brief Encounters Echoes of Future Past timeline code s0B.9

The story starts as the Doctor looks over his past adventures with Susan talking about how there bond has changed and developed since the start. Walking to get her from school however, the Doctor is stopped by a familiar yet unfamiliar face, the 7th Doctor. Confused the 1st Doctor just stares as 7th leaves the hand of Omega by the 1st Doctors feet saying "You know what to do." and going in his Tardis and flying away.

This is such a small story its really hard to review and break it down. 1st is written extremely well and 7th creating an ontological paradox is interesting, with the hard of omega later to be used in Remembrance of the Daleks. Its interesting but its not really an important story due to other stories giving different reasons for the hand of omega.

My Ranking: 7/10

Well season 0b is over meaning the pre tv stories are all complete meaning...

Next Time: An Unearthly Child


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